This app shows the main mandatory and warning signs used in mining, oil, electrical safety and other industries.
Allows you to bookmark the most frequently asked mandatory and warning signs and share them by mail,
WhatsApp, among others. Thus becoming a great essential tool for security on your mobile device.
Among the warning signs presented we have:
Attention, Remote controlled machine
Danger, compressed air
Care for hands
Danger, high temperature
Danger, low temperature
Danger, explosive atmosphere
Danger, falls same level
Danger, falls different level
Danger, falling objects
Danger, suspended load
Out of service
Danger, thermal contact
Danger, high temperature liquids
Danger, explosive liquids
Danger, heavy machinery
Attention, machine under repair
Danger, fixed objects at low height
Danger, high pressure
Danger, high voltage
Danger, high voltage
Biological danger
Explosion hazard
Cutting hazard
Intoxication hazard
Fire danger
Radiation hazard
Construction site hazard
Danger, noise
Danger, chemical products
Caution, particle projection
Danger, risk of detachment
Danger, risk of entrapment
Among the obligatory signs presented we have:
Mandatory address
Mandatory to keep the door closed
Mandatory use of harness
Mandatory use of insulating boots
Mandatory use of safety footwear
Mandatory use of helmet
Obligatory to have the bottles hooked
Mandatory safety belt
Mandatory welding helmet
Mandatory use of apron and hoses
Required to ground
Mandatory use of glasses
Mandatory use of autonomous equipment
Mandatory use of splash goggles
Mandatory use of gloves
mandatory use of hygienic cap
Mandatory hand washing
Mandatory use of insulating gloves
Mandatory use of mascara
Obligatory keep closed
mandatory use of mask
Mandatory head protection
Mandatory use of hearing protectors
Obligatory use of toque
Mandatory use of high visibility clothing
Mandatory use of leggings
Mandatory use of protective clothing suits
Only people
Mandatory to fit the vehicle
Mandatory use of helmet, glasses and hearing protectors
Mandatory use of helmet and glasses
Mandatory use of helmet and hearing protectors
Mandatory use of helmet and mask
Mandatory use the handrail
Mandatory use of helmet and protective screen